Slowly you break me, darling
Slowly you tear me into pieces
Watch me fall down
you tear my heart out and stomp on it
with your feet
you crush me with your little hands
I'm a piece of paper
you toss me away like a stone hits the ocean
the surface is so smooth
we never wanted
too much
you fail to remember my existence
Did "we" ever exist
was it just you and me
never will I ask you to do anything for me
you crush me with your little hands
your blue eyes turn me to stone
the ice in your eyes
the ice in  your hands
you pour it on me
I turn to ice
you turn me to ice
you turn me to ash
you turn me to stone
I never failed
this badly
until now
you saw me there wearing a dark suit
that August I wore a dark suit
you never
I never
we never
this badly
until now
That August I wore a dark suit
the sun was shining
the sky was
your eyes are blue
is there a link
 here that I just don't see
I fail to see
you fail me
I failed you once again
We failed  once again