I listened to "Disarm"
I listened to you
telling me sweet little stories
I listened to the radio
I watched a video
I got me a DVD even
I have it alright now

In this mess that we call life
in this chaos
there is the thin red line
the quiet voice
which says: fear not

I sit on the balcony
in tears
all this after all these years
I think in rhyme
toss me another dime

The only thing I can't run away from is myself
I look into the mirror and see
a man almost thirty three minus two
still got the blues
you bought yourself new shoes
I stand up now
on my very own two feet
like a man

take this pain from me
I can't take this
I can't fake this anymore

Confusion spreads out like a blanket over me
just say yes or no
say please
she will never say please come back
she will say please stand still in your box
in your distant corner
heart shaped boxes come in many sizes
or is this box shaped by memories only
memories that I will soon forget
all this I will soon forget

Finland - the land of sweet bitterness
stubborn folk
I bang my head on this wall
once again
it hurts
it's the Great Wall of China it's the Wall of Berlin
up once again

This feels so stupid but I need to say all this
let it all out now
I wait until the wall comes crumbling down
tear down this wall, darling
tear down this wall

God, lift me up when I fall
open up this box
release me
from this prison
I lift these weights at the gym like a prisoner should

I built all these castles of sand
I built all of them on sand
now back on the rock
I stand - not alone
I'm never alone
God you're here with me

I look at all the structures made by man
They will all come crumbling down
Did we go to the Moon
Did we go to Mars
Did we fly to Jupiter and see all the stars

Darling, do you have the "balls" to show some backbone
show me some backbone, honey
stand up like a woman now
you're a woman now, you're living your dream
During that fleeting moment at school
you remember me but soon forget
in the middle of all that noise - sewing machines
you suddenly hear my voice
it says: I love you still
If love were a vending machine I'd go for a re-fill
see that little cow, darling,
take this flower
let's go rural
and grow a mural

not all of the native americans are in this canoo
play the didgeridoo
play it loud
play it loud

dance with me

let's go into the woods and forget about all this
I'm from the woods, I'm still in the woods in my head
in the middle of all this city life
I'm a redneck alright

lakeside silence
this pond does not have any fish
they all escaped
to Switzerland
they grew wings
and went to Zurich to work for the local clocksmith
Am I losing it
are you losing it
are we losing it, darling
the grip on something big boys call marriage
the District Court of Helsinki awaits your application